How do you pronounce leonard bernsteins name

None of this silly I before E except after C business poor height and seize, and all the other nonconformists. So what about those Berstiens who spell it Berstein, but pronounce it Bernstien? Well, somewhere along the line, between Germany and America, it got bastardized. So they're actually mispronouncing their own names.

Don't tell. Bernstein or Bernstien? BY David K. Michael Silverstein is a Philadelphia-based writer and can be reached at [email protected]. Thank you! I found this piece by Mr. Silverstein to be very refreshing. So many words. Little clarity. It is really quite simple. Yes, Lennie may have gone by Leonard as he grew up. But then that is common for a grown man to give up his childhood nickname.

Lastly, if you really want to get specific one could look into the origins of these names. The horrors of what was perpetrated during World War II, or any other war, can not erase the fact that Germanic languages existed for hundreds of years even before the ideologies that led to those wars. Thus although one may have the right to pronounce their own name however they may choose, such a change to adapt to a new environment only further removes one from their own past and the history of their name.

I encourage everyone to be more tolerant of those who are not afraid to be called by the proper and original pronounciation of their name. This is not, as some have been quick to judge, to be pompous or pretentious. And having some knowledge of how our names are pronounced in the rest of the world or even originally does not necessarily mean that one is now looking down on the ignorance of those who do not know this.

Right on the money. Life would have been less confusing if Lenny had changed his name to its English translation: Amber. Thank you for this article. As a child I went to one of Mr. People seem to be assuming that families have much control over how their surname is pronounced.

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