How can i be courageous

And when you know what is important to you, you begin to realize that you must choose what you care most about over the fear that stands in the way. As you begin to live more courageously in your life, know that your actions speak volumes. Without question, you are daring to say the life I wish to live is worth the effort. Each one of these individuals stepped out of their comfort zone […]. Dear Shannon, you are so right! Thank you for that! Love this post! Am very glad to see this because it has been turning to shame to me and i think this will solve my problem.

Lekan from Nigeria. Not only did i enjoy reading through this, i also learnt a couple of new things which would help me interact better with people around me. In my situation I care more about the love and letting my daughter know I love her than the fear of her rejecting or lack of acknowledgement! How I will deal with the aftermath I have not a clue, I only pray God gives me strength and peace and hopefully work this all out for the good as is his will!

Thank you for your words, feeling encouraged to take the road of courage! Sincerely Diane. Great lines.. This really inspire me. I have written it and hang in my room infront of me.. Collaboration Inspiration Communication Courage Generosity.

General Info. Innovation Imagination Drive Curiosity Attitude. Agility Intuition Awareness Influence Adaptability. The Institute. Written by Silvia Damiano. You can show love in many ways, and finding the courage to show this love can open up a world of possibilities. Love fuels collaboration and gives people the courage to seek more and be more.

Try something new at dinner. We tend to eat the same meals over and over, and we find comfort in doing so. Instead of always ordered the same chicken salad, branch out and try something new. Cross off some of your bucket list items. Instead of hiding face what lies ahead. In many cases, fear is just in your head. Most of what you fear will never come to pass.

Don't waste time worrying when you can get ahead by living. We cant and shouldn't let FEAR drive our decisions. We shouldn't let FEAR stop us from what we want and what we deserve. We shouldn't let fear have control. So deal with FEAR so you can start focusing on the most important things like Top Stories. Top Videos. Getty Images. Instead, you need to acknowledge and accept your fears. Like we mentioned before, bravery is not about eliminating fear but moving forward despite being afraid.

Is it because you may not get it? Are you afraid of rejection, failure , or ridicule? In reality, these experiences can only make you a stronger person, not weaker.

Self-talk is that inner voice inside your head that reveals your beliefs and thoughts. When you start believing these negative thoughts, you sabotage your growth. You must catch these thoughts when they arise and replace them with positive self-talk :. Consistent, positive self-talk will build your confidence and your ability to overcome your fears. If you want to be even braver, take a solo trip. The best way to become fearless is to put yourself in situations that intimidate you.

Once you do them despite being afraid, fear will lose power over you. Strengthen your fearlessness like a muscle by overcoming your fears on a regular basis. Make your own list and start doing those things. Begin with the easiest ones and gradually move up. Practicing mindfulness in all areas of your life means always staying grounded in the present moment.

Mindfulness practices like breathwork and meditation can help you relieve worries and anxiety. The fear he refers to is not an immediate danger. When you practice mindfulness, you learn to observe these thoughts. You also learn not to let them take over you and turn your fear into a worst-case scenario. Do you know anyone in your personal or professional life whose fearlessness and confidence you admire? Build a mentorship relationship with them.

They can offer valuable advice and teach you how to be fearless and brave. We try to do it once, and as soon as we fail, we give up. Instead of fearing failure, we need to make the most of it and turn it into a learning opportunity.

So how do we do that?


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